Friday 29 December 2017

Top 10 Books of 2017

2017 has been a fantastic reading year for me. I surpassed my Goodreads goal by 36 books which is a massive achievement for me, I normally only just make the 50. I started book blogging and reviewing books and as a result have had the opportunity to work with some fantastic publishers to promote some great books. I have also read a lot of brilliant books this year so without further ado I'm going to jump into the top 10 books I read in 2017!

The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave
Star Rating - *****

This was one of the first books I read in 2017 so I don't have a full review of this one. All I can tell you is that it's a brilliant, heartwarming middle grade story full of myth, magic and adventure. One I really want to get round to rereading very soon.

Pantomime by Laura Lam 
Star Rating - *****

Another one I read early on in the year so I don't have a review for this one either. This was one of the books that really solidified my love for circus settings, along with The Night Circus, which I read last year. This book also has great representation as the main character is both gender fluid and bisexual. This is also the start of a trilogy, I'm still yet to read the 3rd book so that is high on my TBR for 2018.

The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes
Star Rating - *****

Another one without a review, I promise I start reviewing books very soon! This was a fantastic read. Another one of my favorite things to read about is cults and this was a great example. It was so atmospheric and I was completely hooked from beginning to end. I read this in a day which is unusual for me so it must of been good. I can't wait to get to Stephanie Oakes next book The Arsonist.

 Heartless by Marissa Meyer
Star Rating - *****

Yay finally I have a review for this one! From here on out the rest of the books with have reviews. Retellings are another thing I enjoy reading (I like reading a lot of things!) and this is one of the best I've read so far. The writing was so whimsical and really reflected the original story well. I loved the relationship in this book and I was fully invested in the characters.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 
Star Rating - ****.5

This is one of the most important and poignant books I have read all year. Great relationships, great characters and great representation. If you only take one book recommendation away with you from this post then please take this one! Although I do hope you take more than one.

Rattle by Fiona Cummins
Star Rating - *****

This was one of the best thriller/mystery books I read this year. I received it on a whim when I saw the publisher offering finished copies for review on Twitter and I was lucky enough to receive one. I was completely gripped throughout and the writing was fantastic. This book was extremely creepy and it chilled me to the bone.

13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough
Star Rating - ****.5

Another great thriller novel full of mystery and suspense. There were lots of twists and turns throughout this story which I didn't see coming. I also thought the author did a great job of depicting very real characters. I'm looking forward to diving into more of Sarah Pinborough's work in 2018.

 The Scarecrow Queen by Melinda Sailsbury 
Star Rating - ****.5

This is the final book in the Sin Eater's Daughter trilogy which I managed to complete this year. For me this book really solidified the series for me. I wasn't completely smitten with the first book but I loved this one. I loved the character development and the pacing of the story. The female characters in particular were great, with such strong personalities.

Ultimate Sacrifice by S.E. Green
Star Rating ****.5

Another cult/ritual themed book that I devoured in a day. This was creepy, gripping and all the other things that make up a fantastic thriller novel. Yes there was some flaws, as you can read in my review, but this didn't stop me from gobbling this one up.

Winter by Marissa Meyer
Star Rating *****

Another final book to another fantastic series I completed this year. This installment was full of fast paced action and adventure. It made me laugh, it gave me the feels, it was just an all round great book. 

So there are my top 10 book I read in 2017. I hope you manage to find something that interests you on this list. If you do take away any recommendations please let me know, I'd love to hear about them. Also I'd love to hear about your top books of the year!


  1. Great list! I haven't read any of these, but I've heard good things about several of them. Especially The Hate You Give.

    1. You need to read THUG I promise it will change your life!!

  2. The Hate You Give and Heartless are both on my TBR! I'll have to bump them up now!

  3. You really should they were both fantastic reads!

  4. I've been writing my list up today of the top reads of 2017, The Hate you Give is on mine too.

  5. I read 13 Minutes this year too and, though I didn't like any of the characters, I really enjoyed the book. And I have read Cinder but haven't gotten a chance to read any of my goals for 2018...

  6. I will for sure be walking away with some books to be added to my TBR list!! I read Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough and loved it! I cannot wait to check out 13 minutes! I have been meaning to look at more of her books and just haven't had a chance. Thank you for this amazing list! I can't wait to read more of your reviews!

  7. THUG is the only one I have read from this list adn I have heard several good things about the Winter.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  8. The only one I've read was Winter and I LOOOOVED that entire series! I might have to check out some of your others! :)
