Full details and sign ups can be found over on @Foxesfairytale's blog at https://foxesfairytale.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/mythothon-sign-ups/

Zeus. King of the Gods. God of the Sky. Read a book at least 400 pages long. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Hera. Queen of the Gods. Goddess of Marriage, Mothers and Families. Read a book about royalty. A Thousand Nights by EK Johnston
Hebe. Goddess of Eternal Youth. Read a Middle Grade or Young Adult book.
Poseidon. God of the Sea. Read a book which features the sea – mermaids, pirates, surfers etc. Daughter of the Pirate King by Trisha Levenseller
Hermes. God of Travellers and Thieves. Read a book set in a country not your own. The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Choppa by Vaseem Khan
Aphrodite. Goddess of Love and Beauty. Read a book with a beautiful cover. Howls Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
The Hydra. Multiheaded Serpent. Read a book with more than one POV. Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Iris. Goddess of the Rainbow. Read a book with your favourite colour on the cover or in the title. There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins
Ancient Greece. Read a book set in the past. The Wonder by Emma Donoghue
Hestia. Goddess of the Hearth. Read the first book in a series. Caraval by Stephanie Garber
Dionysus. God of Wine. Celebrate this year by reading a 2018 release. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
Achilles and Patroclus. Read a book with an LGBT+ protagonist.
Free Choice.
Homer. Read a retelling (of a myth, fairy tale, classic novel etc.) Scarlet by AC Gaughen
Hephaestus. God of Fire and Smiths. Read a book with a disabled character.
Ares. God of War. Read a book with a compelling antagonist or a written from the villain’s POV.
Echidna. Mother of Monsters. Read a book about monsters – dragons, zombies, serial killers etc. Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi
Herakles. Read a popular book (define ‘popular’ as you wish).
Gaia. Primordial Earth Goddess. Read a book which was published at least 5 years ago. The Robber Bridegroom by The Brothers Grimm (Little Black Classic)
Artemis. Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt. Read a book with an animal on the cover or in the title. The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow by Katherine Woodfine
Athena. Goddess of Wisdom, Strategy and Crafts. Read a book that’s not the first in the series. Legendary by Stephanie Garber
Persephone. Goddess of the Underworld and Springtime. Read a book which is less than 200 pages. The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe (Little Black Classic)
Apollo. God of Prophesy, Plague and Poetry. Read a collection of poetry or short stories. The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night by Jen Campbell
Hades. God of the Underworld and Riches. Read a book which you got for free (library, from a friend, ARC, Kindle offer etc.) Girl Squads by Sam Maggs
Demeter. Goddess of Agriculture. Read a book with a nature word in the title – e.g. leaf, wind, flower etc. Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi
So that's my TBR for the Mythothon I have left a few blank as they're quite generic prompts so I'm hoping to fill these in with books I'm in the mood for. I've also left the LGBTQ and the disability prompts blank as I'm struggling to find any short books to fill these prompts so any recommendations would be greatly received.
Let me know if your planning on taking part in the Mythothon, I'd love to read your TBR posts.
Great looking TBR! I just recently read and enjoyed the Scarlet trilogy. And I've been really interested in picking up Frankenstein in Baghdad too.
ReplyDeleteThank you let's hope I can get through a good amount of them 😬
ReplyDeleteHey! I am currently reading The Gentlemen's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee and 2 of the main characters are gay. It's a YA book, if you haven't read it yet I think it would be a good read under the LGBTQ section!
ReplyDeleteI've heard really good things about that one I'll see if I can pick it up from my library. Thanks for the recommendation 😊
DeleteGreat selection. Good ;luck with Mythothon.
ReplyDeleteThanks 😊
DeleteO this looks like so much fun!!!