Monday 17 December 2018

Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag

So, usually on a Monday I post a Mailbox Monday post where I list my weekly book post. This week however, I haven't received any, I know shock horror right! So instead I'm going to be doing the Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag. 

This tag was created by Jenniely and although I haven't been tagged by anyone I've seen it floating around Twitter and it looked fun so I thought why not give it a go. 

The rules are simple...

  • Tag & link the person who tagged you
  • Tag and link Jenniely and/or her original post (if you would be so kind, I love reading your answers!)
  • Tick/cross off the ones you’ve done
  • Tag another 10 people!
Let's see how well I've done this year and if I end up on the naughty or nice list.

Received an ARC and not reviewed it ✔

There have definitely been a few PDF copies I've received last year from authors that I haven't reviewed, sorry! 

Image result for stack of books gif

Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley

Nope I have 72% :)

Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)

Nope I generally write my reviews straight onto Goodreads as I rate the books, otherwise I would forget to do so. 

Image result for typing gif

Folded down the page of a book ✔

I used to do this all the time when I was younger. I'm happy to say I do not do it any longer. 

Accidentally spilled on a book ✔

Yep I often drink tea when I read and I read in the bath so spillages are inevitable. 

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DNF a book this year

Nope I really struggle to DNF books but I think this is something I need to change next year. Life's to short to read books you don't enjoy. 

Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it ✔

If special editions of Harry Potter count then yes I'm guilty as charged. 

Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework) ✔

All the time whilst I was in Uni. I am the queen of procrastination. 

Skim read a book

Nope, similarly to not DNFing, I feel I have to read any book I start cover to cover. 

Image result for skim reading gif

Completely missed your Goodreads goal ✔

Yes, this year. I had it set to 75 books at the beginning of the year. I reduced it to 50 about half way through and I'm still not going to reach that this year. 

Borrowed a book and not returned it

I always return books I borrow. It doesn't mention anywhere in this question about them being late!

Broke a book buying ban

Nope, I don't put myself on book buying bans because I know I will break them. 

Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about

Nope, as I said before, if I don't write them straight away I will forget to do it. 

Image result for typing gif

Wrote in a book you were reading

Never! What is this sacrilege!

Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads

No I'm a bit obsessed with this haha!

Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend

The only people I really borrow from are my mum and dad and they son't usually want the books back. 

Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book

I don't know many people in real life that read like I do so I haven't had to worry about this one. 

Broke the spine of someone else’s book

Nope, any books I borrow have usually already had the spines broken. 

Image result for breaking the book spine gif

Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged

I always take the jacket off but it's never ended up more damaged. 

Sat on a book accidentally ✔

Yep it hurts!

My score 6/20

It looks like I'm on the nice list this year phew!

Image result for phew gif

This was a really fun tag to do so, instead of tagging specific people I invite anyone who reads this to take part and share there post with me so I can see who ends up on the naughty list and who is on the nice list.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love this tag. Great questions and a fun theme.

  2. I'm also guilty of doing some of the things

  3. Ohhh, this looks like such a fun tag to do!!! I’m going to do this one I think and publish it next week - have already planned a Christmas tag for this week. Loved reading this one!!

  4. Fun questions! I never used to DNF a book, but I do now. Time to just too precious!

    1. I agree. One of my bookish resolutions next year is too not be afraid to DNF.

  5. Fun tag and I loved reading your answers! I'll try to do it this week - if I don't drown on all the stuff I still have to prep for the holidays :-(

  6. Haaaa I am so guilty of doing many of these! Most notably starting a review and leaving it and forgetting what the book was about!

    1. I just know if I don't write it straight away I'll never write it.

  7. These are major sins that are garunds to land the abuser in the 9th circle of hell!

  8. Ugh I’m so bad at my Netgalley reviews😂

    1. I'm not great at reading my NetGalley books in general 🙈

  9. Love that you did this tag! I was guilty of so many. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't go on book bans at all. It seems to be the minority on that one lol

    1. Yep I just know I won't stick to it and then I'll feel guilty so I don't bother haha.

  10. You've been a good little book blogger :-D This is such a fun tag!

  11. This is a fun one! This year I changed my tune on DNFing books because I was tired of pushing through books I didn't enjoy when I have a TBR list that is super long. I am definitely glad I did. Even when I DNF a book, I try to point out something positive about it in my review because I know there is someone out there who will enjoy the book even though I didn't.

  12. This is such a fun tag. I only just made it onto the nice list and you were in by a mile. I hope Santa brings you some fabulous bookish loot.

  13. What a fun idea! I enjoyed your answers. I’m guilty of a few of these!

  14. Great post. My Netgalley percentage has never gone below 90%, only because I would get stressed if it did, so I only request a few at a time. I'm probably missing out doing this though.

  15. I am really good at forgetting what a book was about by the time I write (or finish writing) a review. Oops! Looks like you had fun with this tag :)
