Wednesday 23 January 2019

Top 5 Wednesday - Top of Your TBR

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme where you discuss your 'top 5' in a variety of different topics on, guess what, a Wednesday. Full list of topics and more information can be found here on the Goodreads group.

This weeks topic is simply the top of your TBR so today I'm going to be sharing 5 books that I'm hoping to read very soon. 

Gemina and Obsido by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff


I've put these two together as I'm hoping to at least of started Gemina, if not finished it, by the time this post goes up. I read Illuminae at the end of last year and loved it so I'm excited to continue with the series. 

Enchantee by Gita Trelease


This one is published on 21st February so I'd like to read and review my Netgalley copy before release. 

James Clyde and the Tomb of Salvation by Colm McElwain

James Clyde and the Tomb of Salvation (James Clyde, #2)

I was sent this one and the first book in this series by the author. I read and enjoyed the first on so I'd like to get to this one soon. 

In Fallen Woods by R N Merle


Another one I received from the author that I really need to get too soon. 

The Boneless Mercies by April Genevieve Tucholke


I've had my eye on this one since it came out and I picked it up last week from my library so I would like to get it read. 

Have you read any of these and are there any you would recommend me bumping up my TBR? 

What books are at the top of your TBR? Let me know. 


  1. Gemina and Obsido have great covers. I hope you get to read all of them soon ♥

  2. I hope you enjoy your selection. I look forward to your reviews.

  3. I really want to read The Illuminae Files!

  4. Every one of them is new to me.. But I have my eye on the Boneless Mercies..

  5. I'll be watching to see what you think

  6. I've been wanting to read the Illumina files for a while

  7. Great post! I haven't read any of these novels.

  8. Love the Illuminae series!

  9. Ahh, I’m excited to see what you’ll think of Gemina and Obsidio!!!
    Not familiar with the other ones, but they look interesting.
    - Melissa

  10. They all look good. We've reviewed the first James Clyde book.
