I love Friends, it has to be one of my favourite TV shows, I also love book tags so when I saw Roxanne over at An Average Life combine the two I knew I had to take part.
Feel free to take part in this tag too, all Roxanne asks is for you to use the header and to link back to her post here.
Monica: A book based on a game or competition

I love video games so this was perfect for me. I remember reading this in day whilst I was on holiday last year and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Organisation Queen: How do you organise your books?
I'm currently in the position where I have the majority of my books in boxes as I have recently moved house and we are still sorting out the room in which my bookcases will go into. I'll actually have two bookcases in this house instead of one so that's exciting but I'm not sure how I'm going to organise them yet. I love the idea of rainbow shelves but I'm not sure if I could cope with series being split.
Rachel: A book you read for the hype

The Lunar Chronicles is very well loved within the book community. This was one of the first 'hyped' books I picked up and I would say it's definitely worth the hype. I wasn't a massive fan of the second book in this series but that didn't put me off and in the end I loved it.
Shopping Addict: What makes you buy a book?
I have a few authors, Rick Riorden, Marissa Meyer and Holly Black to name a few, whose books I will pick up regardless. Other that that I often look for books I've seen mentioned by fellow bloggers and booktubers that I like the sound of. I also often browse the library for books that jump out at me and I'm usually attracted to their covers.
Ross: A science fiction book

The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff is another one of those series that's well loved within the book community. It took me a while to get to these but I'm so glad I did. It's definitely a 5 star series for me.
On a Break: Which books have you put down to pick back up later?
I'm making my way through the Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovich. This is a mash up of crime/mystery with urban fantasy and I am enjoying the series but I've got to be in the mood to read crime books. I've currently read the first 3 books and I own the 4th which I'm hoping to get to soon.
Chandler: A book that made you laugh out loud

This is my most recent finish and it definitely had some humorous moments. It's released on 26th March and I would recommend picking it up.
That Time at Space Mountain: Are there any books you're embarrassed to admit you've read?
No not that I can think of.
Joey: A scary book you'd keep in the freezer
I don't tend to read scary books. I would like to try some Steven King at some point though.
V is for Encyclopedia: As an adult, have you read any books with words you had to look up to understand?
I do sometimes come across words I'm not familiar with but I don't usually look them up, unless I'm on my kindle. I tend to just keep reading and I get the gist from the rest of the sentence.
Phoebe: A book with a spiritual or supernatural theme

I read this one at the end of last year and loved it! A fantastic spooky, atmospheric read, perfect for winter.
The Boycott: Are there any authors, booksellers or publishers you refuse to support?
No I don't think so. Obviously if I saw any of these being outright problematic then I might have a different answer but at the moment no I don't.
Janice: A book with an OH MY GOD twist

If you've read it you'll know what I mean when I say THAT ENDING!! If you haven't read this series then you need to!
Emily: A British Classic

This is the only classic I've read. I don't know if it counts as a British classic but the authors from the UK so I'm going with it. I really do need to read some more classics.
Gunther: A book nobody seems to be talking about

I've used this book for a similar question in a previous tag and I'm going to sat it again here, I loved this, more people need to read it!
Carol and Susan: An LQBTQ+ book or author

I'm going to repeat this book here as I don't think I've ever read another book with such a wide range of representation as this one.
Mike: A slow burning book or a romance novel

I don't read solely romance books, there not really my genre, so I went for a slow burning book. This one takes a while to build but it was still really enjoyable and there is quite a significant romance in this one too so I suppose it fits both prompts.
Richard: A book that left you feeling accomplished or better educated

I learnt a lot about some great females from history whilst reading this book. This made me want to pick up some more non-fiction about some of these people.
I hope you enjoyed my answers to this great tag. Thank you again to Roxanne for creating such a fun tag and I hope lots of you decide to take part in this too.
If you do decide to take part I'd love to read your posts so please let me know about them.
I loved Friends. This was a great tag!I read Janice in that voice. I enjoyed your answers.
ReplyDeleteRichard, oh Richard. He and Monica wound up together, right? :)
ReplyDeleteWell done - you made me smile
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun tag! I adored Friends and Cinder, as well :)
ReplyDeleteI loved The Twisted Tree, the only book on your list I have read. I tried Ready Player One but didn't get past chapter one.
ReplyDeleteLove it, love it, love it. The fact that you added my two favorite things together, books & friends is amazing. Great article :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so fun. I might give this a go soon.
ReplyDeleteGayathri @ Elgee Writes