Monday 29 April 2019

Reading Habits and Readabits Book Tag

I'm always looking for fun book tags to do on here, shout out to anyone who can point me in the direction of some, and I saw this one over on the blog Brittany the Book Guru, check out her post here. I love the idea of finding out more about people as readers so I thought I would share my habits with you here. 

Reading Habits

  • Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
Not particularly. Before I had my son I would love to curl up in bed with a book, often staying up late to finish something gripping. However, now I find reading in bed makes me quite tired, shout out to other mums who are often up in the night. My normal reading spot at the moment is just on my sofa in the living room although, I enjoy reading outside when it's sunny. 

  • Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Nearly always a bookmark and always the same one, even though I have several. 

  • Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/certain amount of pages?
There are times that I do just have to stop reading, like when my son wakes up from his nap. However, I usually try to stop at the end of a chapter otherwise I tend to get a bit confused. 

  • Do you eat or drink while reading?
I'm not one of these people who categorically does not have food or drink around books. I normally always have a drink and sometimes I read whilst I'm eating my breakfast or lunch. 

  • Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?
I prefer not to have either whilst I'm reading as I can get distracted quite easily however, I have got quite good at reading when my partner is watching one of his programmes on TV, mainly because it's something I'm not interested in. 

  • One book at a time or several?
I prefer one at a time as I can really immerse myself in a story however, I can read a couple of books at a time as long as they are different genres. 

  • Reading at home or everywhere?
As many places as I can. It's a bit harder to read when I'm out and about now as I have my son with me most of the time however, it we're travelling I will always take my book in the car. 

  • Reading out loud or silently in your head?
The only time I read out loud is when I'm reading to my son. I can't wait till hes old enough for us to read Harry Potter together. When I'm reading my own books I read in my head. 

  • Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
Nope never! There are times when I'm tempted, especially if I'm super engrossed in a story however, I always stop myself. 

  • Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
I don't ever break the spine on purpose but I don't go out of my way to keep my books like new. I will always take the dust jacket off of a hardback though
  • Do you write in your books?
Nope, I wouldn't know what to write. 

Readabits Questions

  • When do you find yourself reading?
The evenings, when my son is in bed, is my reading time. But I do try and grab some time when hes napping during the day too. 

  • What is your best setting to read in?
On holiday. On the beach or beside the pool are my favourites. 

  • What do you do first - read or watch?
If it's a book that I'm interested then I'll always try and read it first. If it's not something I want to read or I'm not aware it's an adaptation then I don't mind watching first. 

  • What form do you prefer? Audiobook, E-book or physical book?
I will always go for a physical book over any other. I don't mind E-books and I own a kindle however, so far I've found it difficult to focus on audiobooks. 

  • Do you have a unique habit when you read?
Nope, I just read. 

  • Do book series have to match?
Matching is always nice however, sometimes this is not possible due to expense or books being out of print. I would much rather finish the series and enjoy the story than spend time searching out the matching edition. The words are all the same. 

So these are all my reading habits, nothing too out of the ordinary but I hope you enjoyed reading this. 

I'm not tagging anyone specific but feel free to take part in this tag if you would like. I'd love to read about your reading habits. 


  1. Eee i love tags and love your answers mind if a do it and link back to you?

  2. Gemma,
    I loved reading your answers! I'm so glad you decided to do this tag. I always love finding out more about other readers as well. It's so interesting to see other peoples' reading habits. Great post!

  3. This was fun, I had to stop and think about how I would answer, I never thought about all the little habits we acquire.

  4. Loved reading this. I'm always on the look out for new and interesting book tags and am definitely up for doing this also. I'll drop a link to your post in my blog (when I get around to writing it up)

  5. Great tag, I loved reading through your answers

  6. I need background music while reading or I can’t focus (I know it sounds strange!)

  7. Great tag, I loved reading through your answers, some of the question really got me thinking as to what my answers would be :)

  8. Great tag. Unless something comes up quickly I have to finish a chapter before I can put a book down, this is why I hate long chapters.

  9. Love reading your answers! I've gotten so I only read on my e-reader since the font in books seems to be getting smaller as I get older!

  10. Fun tag! I might do this one, kind of a different one from any I've done so far! I'm like you and don't like having music or tv on while I read , which seems to not be the norm.

  11. I might do this tag as it is definitely one I will enjoy answering.. and loved reading your answers to these questions

  12. Fun tag - and it really reveals a lot about you both as a reader and where you are in life. Just found your blog on Twitter tonight, and enjoyed looking around. Congrats on a great job. Your love of reading really stands out. I'm over on myself if you're at all curious. Sam
